Stem Cell Therapy for Knee Pain & Arthritis

There is exciting research being conducted worldwide and here at the Hawaii Stem Cell Research Center regarding knee injuries and painful conditions. Evidence is accumulating that such conditions as meniscal tears may heal more rapidly with injections of stem cells from mesenchymal derived stems cells. Painful conditions such as knee arthritis may be helped by decreasing pain and possibly regeneration of cartilage by various cell based therapies.
More Studies showing promise
One study recently reported in Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS) demonstrated that a single injection of mesenchymal derived stems cells. This provided considerable relief and increased the density of the menicus in a study of 50 patients. The lead authored state “The results of this study suggest that mesenchymal stem cells have the potential to improve the overall condition of the knee joint,” said Dr. Vangsness. “I am very excited and encouraged” by the results. With the success of a single injection, “it begs the question: What if we give a series of injections?”. This respected journal findings are what we are finding from centers around the world regarding mesenchymal stem cells and its use in knee conditions. We at the Hawaii Stem Cell Center and our network have been studying the knee joint and improvements reported extensively and are accumulating similar data with patients reporting decreased pain after 1 injection. Our studies are ongoing.
Hawaii Stem Cell Protocol
Our process is simple and can be conducted in less than 4 hours at our state of the art facility. It involves extraction of fat in safe liposuction procedure. Our technicians prepare the stromal vascular fraction which contains stem cells and regenerative healing factors from this fat aspirate. The deployment is carried out by an injection in the knee under local numbing with cooling spray. Our patients go home the same day to be followed up for further study.
With all the jogging going on, kick boxing and extreme sports there is increasing trend for knee injuries and development of knee degenerative arthritis. This effects many older athletes who are not quite ready for knee replacement and seek aa alternate treatments. Many have undergone steroid injections to relieve the pain. Meniscal tears and weak ligaments may be better treated with traditional techniques, yet there are certain cases in which the cellular therapies and stem cells may benefit these conditions. Each of these cases should be evaluated on an individual basis.
Hawaii Stem Cell Treatment Center has developed with our stem cell network, specific protocols to deploy stem cell broth by preparing the Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF). What we do is harvest your bodies own fat ( small liposuction like procedure) and process this to extract stem cells , healing factors and growth factors. We use platelet rich plasma (PRP) as well to give that extra boost. This is injected in the knee with a near painless procedure. The entire process takes less than three hours.
Our center seeks to document and study these deployments for knee conditions such as degenerative arthritis. We maintain an extensive data base for study with our affiliates world wide. If you are interested in seeing if you are a candidate for your knee problem contact our office.
If your interested in participating in our study protocol please contact us. We will evaluate you and determine if you are a candidate.